This book was so interesting and a huge eye opener. It has affected me a lot more than I thought it would. I love eating hamburgers every now and then, but I did not put much thought into where the hamburger patties came from. Now, that I know how McDonald’s along with other franchises, work with the meat industry, I think twice about going out to buy from their fast food restaurants. With the information I gained here, I decided to limit my hamburger consumption as much as possible. I plan to make better choices on the food I decide to put in my mouth. This book ahs made me think of where all my food items, especially, beef and chicken come from. I now think a lot more on if the meat I purchase is quality meat or not. Also, I think a lot more on the effect that fast food may have on my family.
I haven't consumed as much hamburgers also because of the book! eating healthy will be beter for your body mind and soul.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback!
ReplyDeleteI put more thought into what the food has been through before i eat it too.
ReplyDeleteI always think twice too and try to eat at home now.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has always said how fast food is bad, but thanks to the book, now we know why.
ReplyDeleteThe book did talk a lot about the slaughter houses and the viruses that come with it, Ill would think about before I eat a hamburger at fast food restaurants.